Doodle Rescue: Adopting a Dog vs. Buying a Dog and The Benefits

Adopting a dog?Ah, a Doodle dog! Those adorable, fluffy, and often hypoallergenic dogs that have taken the world by storm. Whether it’s a Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, or any other “oodle,” these designer dogs are everywhere. But here’s the million-dollar question: Should you adopt or buy one? It’s like choosing between two delicious flavors of ice cream; both have their unique sweetness and perks.

brown long coated small dog on white textile
Photo by Mia Anderson on Unsplash

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of Doodle ownership, focusing on the benefits of both adopting and buying. We’ll delve into ethical considerations, costs, and even the steps to take for both options. So, whether you’re a first-time dog owner or a seasoned pet parent looking to add a Doodle to your family, this guide is your one-stop-shop for all things Doodle.

The Doodle Breed: A Quick Overview

So what exactly is a Doodle? In the simplest terms, a Doodle is a crossbreed dog, usually a mix of a Poodle and another breed. The Poodle’s hypoallergenic coat and intelligence often combine with the other breed’s traits, creating a dog that’s not just cute but also smart and often easier on the allergies. It’s like getting the best of both worlds, a canine cocktail of sorts!

Common Types of Doodles

When it comes to Doodles, you’ve got options—lots of them! The Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever + Poodle) and Labradoodle (Labrador + Poodle) are perhaps the most famous, but the list doesn’t stop there. There are Schnoodles (Schnauzer + Poodle), Cockapoos (Cocker Spaniel + Poodle), and even Bernedoodles (Bernese Mountain Dog + Poodle). Each type has its unique characteristics, so you’ll want to choose one that fits your lifestyle.

What’s behind the Doodle craze? Well, besides their obvious cuteness, Doodles are known for their friendly disposition and intelligence. They’re often great with kids and other pets, making them excellent family dogs. Plus, their Poodle parentage usually makes them a good option for people with allergies. It’s like having a dog that comes with built-in friendliness and fewer sneezes. What’s not to love?

two black and white dogs walking at pathway
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Benefits of Adopting a Dog

Adopting a Doodle—or any dog, for that matter—isn’t just a noble act; it’s also packed with a plethora of benefits for you. From ethical considerations to cost-effectiveness, adopting a Doodle can be a win-win situation for both you and your new furry friend.

Ethical Considerations in Doodle Adoption

When you adopt a Doodle, you’re essentially giving a second chance to a dog in need. Shelters are often overcrowded, and by adopting, you’re making room for another dog to have the opportunity to find a home. Plus, you’re taking a stand against puppy mills, which are commercial breeding facilities that prioritize profit over the well-being of the dogs. According to Zoetis Petcare, adopting a pet can provide a loving home to an animal in need, which is a reward in itself.

Doodle Breeds Suitable for Adoption

Wondering which Doodle breeds are commonly found in shelters? You’d be surprised! While Goldendoodles and Labradoodles are the most popular, you can also find other types like Schnoodles and Cockapoos. The key is to find a Doodle that fits your lifestyle and needs.

Adopting a dog can be life changing
Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Physical and Mental Health Benefits

Let’s talk about you for a second. Did you know that owning a dog can actually be good for your health? Rescue Dogs 101 and The Dog Clinic both emphasize the physical and mental health benefits of owning a dog. From lowering blood pressure to reducing stress and anxiety, the perks are numerous. Some companies, like the one mentioned in Notes from Poland, even offer “pawternity leave” to employees who adopt, recognizing the long-term benefits of pet ownership on well-being.

Cost Benefits

Let’s face it: Dogs can be expensive. But did you know that adopting a dog can actually be more cost-effective in the long run? According to Rescue Dogs 101, adopting from a shelter can save you money on initial costs like vaccinations and spaying/neutering, which are often included in the adoption fee. Plus, adopted dogs are usually older, meaning you can skip the puppy stage with its associated costs like puppy classes and frequent vet visits.

Benefits of Buying a Doodle

While adopting a Doodle has its own set of advantages, buying one from a reputable breeder offers a different array of benefits. From predictability in traits to health guarantees, buying can be the right choice for some prospective dog owners.

Predictability in Traits

One of the most significant advantages of buying a Doodle from a reputable breeder is the predictability in traits. Breeders often have extensive knowledge about the lineage of their dogs, which can give you a clearer idea of your future pet’s size, temperament, and health. This is particularly beneficial for families with specific needs, such as requiring a hypoallergenic dog or one with a particular temperament.

Health Guarantees

Reputable breeders often offer health guarantees for their puppies. This means that the puppy has been health-checked, vaccinated, and often microchipped before you bring them home. While it’s true that all dogs, including Doodles, can develop health issues, a health guarantee can provide some peace of mind. A study from NCBI suggests that while Doodle owners are generally satisfied with their dogs, they often have misconceptions about their health. Buying from a reputable breeder can help mitigate some of these misconceptions by providing accurate health information.

Support from the Breeder

Buying a Doodle from a breeder often comes with ongoing support. Whether you have questions about training, diet, or health, a good breeder will be there to guide you. This can be particularly beneficial for first-time dog owners who may need a bit more guidance.

Cost of Adopting vs Buying a Doodle

Let’s talk numbers. The cost of buying a Doodle can vary widely, ranging from $1,000 to over $3,000 depending on the breeder and the specific lineage of the dog. While adopting is generally cheaper upfront, it’s essential to consider the long-term costs as well.

According to Rescue Dogs 101, the initial costs of adoption can be lower, but each option comes with ongoing expenses like food, grooming, and healthcare. Therefore, your budget may play a significant role in deciding whether to adopt or buy.

How to Adopt a Doodle

So you’ve weighed the pros and cons and decided that adopting a Doodle is the way to go. Great choice! But how do you go about it? Let’s break down the process step by step.

Research and Preparation

Before you even set foot in a shelter, you’ll want to do some homework. Research the types of Doodles that are commonly available for adoption and consider how they would fit into your lifestyle. Are you looking for an energetic dog to go on runs with, or do you prefer a more laid-back companion? Websites and articles like The Dog Clinic can provide valuable insights into what to expect when adopting a dog.

Steps to Adopt a Doodle from a Shelter

  1. Application Process: Most shelters require an application to adopt a dog. This usually involves questions about your living situation, experience with pets, and what you’re looking for in a dog.
  2. Meeting the Dog: Once your application is approved, you’ll have the opportunity to meet available Doodles. Spend some time interacting with them to see if there’s a particular one you connect with.
  3. Finalizing the Adoption: After choosing your future furry friend, there will be paperwork to complete and an adoption fee to pay. Then, it’s time to bring your new Doodle home!

Post-Adoption Considerations

Congratulations, you’ve adopted a Doodle! But the journey doesn’t end here. The first few weeks are crucial for establishing a bond and setting the groundwork for good behavior. Don’t forget to schedule a vet visit to ensure your new pet is in good health.

How to Buy a Doodle

If you’ve decided that buying a Doodle is the better option for you, there’s a process for that too. Let’s go through it.

Research and Preparation

Just like with adoption, you’ll want to start with some research. Look for reputable breeders who specialize in the Doodle breed you’re interested in. Check reviews, ask for references, and if possible, visit the breeder to see the conditions in which the dogs are kept.

Steps to Buy from a Breeder

  1. Initial Contact: Reach out to the breeder to express your interest and ask any preliminary questions you may have.
  2. Visit: Schedule a visit to meet the puppies and their parents. This is also a good time to ask about health guarantees and to see any certifications the breeder may have.
  3. Finalizing the Purchase: Once you’ve chosen your Doodle, there will be paperwork to complete and a payment to make. Then, you can bring your new puppy home!

Post-Purchase Considerations

Once your new Doodle is home, the real work begins. From house training to vet visits for vaccinations, you’ll be quite busy. But remember, a reputable breeder will offer ongoing support, so don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns.


Whether you’re adopting or buying, bringing a Doodle into your life is a big decision that comes with its own set of rewards and challenges. Adoption offers the chance to give a loving home to a dog in need, often with cost benefits and the added perk of skipping the demanding puppy stage.

On the other hand, buying from a reputable breeder provides predictability in traits and often comes with the support and expertise of the breeder.

The choice between adopting and buying a Doodle is a personal one, influenced by your lifestyle, needs, and ethical considerations. But regardless of the path you choose, the end result is the same: a loving, furry companion who will bring joy, laughter, and a bit of chaos into your life.


1. What are the initial costs of adopting vs. buying a Doodle?

Adoption fees can range from $50 to $300, often including initial vaccinations and spaying/neutering. Buying from a breeder can cost anywhere from $1,000 to over $3,000, depending on the lineage and breeder reputation.

2. How do I know if a Doodle is right for me?

Consider your lifestyle, activity level, and what you’re looking for in a dog. Doodles come in various types and temperaments, so research is key. Articles like the one from NCBI can provide valuable insights.

3. Are Doodles generally healthy dogs?

Doodles are generally healthy, but like all breeds, they can be prone to certain conditions. It’s crucial to consult with a vet and, if possible, get a health guarantee when buying from a breeder.

4. What are some ethical considerations when getting a Doodle?

Adopting a Doodle helps alleviate the strain on shelters and takes a stand against puppy mills. If buying, ensure you choose a reputable breeder who prioritizes the well-being of their dogs.

5. Is it easier to adopt or buy a Doodle?

Both processes have their own sets of requirements and steps. Adoption usually involves an application and approval process, while buying requires thorough research to find a reputable breeder. Your personal circumstances will largely dictate which option is more straightforward for you.

And there we have it—a comprehensive guide to adopting vs. buying a Doodle. No matter which route you choose, the love and companionship you’ll receive from your furry friend will be priceless.

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out. After all, when it comes to our four-legged friends, there’s always more to learn!

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